Achieve Market Profits with Bitget’s AI-Trading Bot!

• Bitget has rolled out a series of AI-trading bots starting in June, including a Commodities Trading Advisor (CTA) AI bot.
• The CTA AI bot consists of MACD and Bollinger band indicator strategies which output new strategy logic by continuously receiving historical strategy data.
• While AI models can perform competently under normal conditions, they tend to behave erratically during extraneous events, such as sudden increases or decreases in price.


Bitget has rolled out a series of AI-trading bots starting in June, including a Commodities Trading Advisor (CTA) AI bot. In an interview with Cointelegraph, Gracy Chen, Bitget’s managing director discussed the benefits and risk factors associated with this new technology.

What is the CTA AI Bot?

The CTA AI bot consists of MACD and Bollinger band indicator strategies which output new strategy logic by continuously receiving historical strategy data. This allows users to choose and create strategies more intuitively by only needing a simple rate of return number and price chart, eliminating the need to fill in complex parameters like in algorithms.

Benefits of the CTA AI Bot

The use of this technology provides users with more accessibility, optimization for profits and helps them choose better strategies that are more tailored to their individual needs.

Risk Factors Associated with CTAAI Bot

While AI models can perform competently under normal conditions, they tend to behave erratically during extraneous events such as sudden increases or decreases in price. Therefore it is important for users to be aware of these potential risks when using this technology so that they can make informed decisions on how best to utilize it safely.


AI technologies have rapidly synergized with blockchain at cryptocurrency exchanges over the past year leading to many innovations such as Bitget’s CTAAI Bot which provides users with more accessibility and optimization for profits while also introducing certain risk factors that need to be taken into consideration .

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